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Từ góc độ bảo mật, việc tải lên hoặc chạy các tệp thực thi có phần mở rộng bên dưới không được phép trên Máy chủ Windows Hosting tại P.A Việt Nam
.COM (machine language)
.VBS (Visual Basic script)
.VBE (Visual Basic script-encoded)
.CMD (batch file – Windows)
.BAT (batch file – DOS/Windows)
.WS (Windows script)
.WSF (Windows script)
.SHS (OLE object package)
.PIF (shortcut to DOS file plus code)
.HTA (hypertext application)
.JAR (Java archive)
.LNK (shortcut to an executable)
.EXE (executable script)
.PIF (A program information file for MS-DOS programs. While .PIF files aren’t supposed to contain executable code, Windows will treat .PIFs the same as .EXE files if they contain executable code.)
.MSP (A Windows installer patch file. Used to patch applications deployed with .MSI files.)
.SCR (A Windows screen saver. Windows screen savers can contain executable code.)
.CPL (A Control Panel file. All of the utilities found in the Windows Control Panel are .CPL files.)
.MSC (A Microsoft Management Console file. Applications such as the group policy editor and disk management tool are .MSC files.)
.PS1, .PS1XML, .PS2, .PS2XML, .PSC1, .PSC2 (A Windows PowerShell script. Runs PowerShell commands in the order specified in the file.)
P.A Việt Nam cung cấp đa dạng các Plan Hosting đáp ứng yêu cầu của khách hàng
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Tham khảo các ưu đãi: https://www.pavietnam.vn/vn/tin-khuyen-mai/